Business Applications

ENYO Retail & Supply drives growth and efficiency with Wragby’s SMORS Solution


Discover how Wragby is driving digital transformation in the Energy industry with customers like ENYO. The Energy industry cradles large value chains that are breath-taking in reach and complexity. From extractive players to refiners, electricity generators to grid managers, and renewable energy start-ups, the list is near infinite.


However, a common thread weaves through all players in the industry: the overarching desire to manage risk, resource, capital, and stakeholders sustainably and profitably in a way that achieves the objectives of the organization, win market share, and pioneer new frontiers in the industry.


The Business Challenge


ENYO Retail and Supply is a strategic player in the Nigerian Energy Retail sector. ENYO carved an innovative niche for itself by integrating exceptional first-level customer service experience with fuel retailing and renewable energy products in Africa. ENYO is a customer-focused, technology-driven company with over 84 retail outlets across 14 states in Nigeria.


In the pursuit of its business goals of managing complexity, customer acquisition, and satisfaction, ENYO found itself faced with a menacing adversary. Recurrent episodes of operational inefficiencies, pilferage of sales income, inaccurate and delayed reporting, and long lead time for product delivery threatened its objectives. These challenges were compounded by the geographically dispersed locations of ENYO’s retail outlets, and the complexity of its day-to-day operations.  Also culpable was the cumbersome approach adopted to comply with stringent regulatory requirements. Together, these factors threatened the business imperative of exceptional first-level customer experience, thereby impeding growth and expansion aspirations. Additionally, the manual data-capture process employed impugned the integrity of financial records resulting in substantial revenue losses.


ENYO’s renewable energy push also suffered because it requires excellent customer profiling and segmentation. ENYO’s clean energy approach is to identify and capture a growing customer segment that is receptive to and able to switch from dirty fossil fuel to clean and/or renewable energy, thus reducing the carbon footprint of the individual customers as well as ENYO’s.


Based on the successful deployment of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Cloud suite for the Department of Petroleum Resources, ENYO was referred by that client to Wragby Business Solutions & Technologies.


The Solution


The Station Managers Operations Report System (SMORS), A Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations solution, is Wragby’s answer to ENYO’s business and technical challenge. SMORS simplifies and optimizes the process of reporting: monitoring supply chain activities and the operations of station managers in real-time across ENYO’s station network.


SMORS offered a perfect fit that enabled us ENYO to meet up with its operational demands, streamlining ENYO’s business across finance, procurement, sales, warehouse, supply chain, and HR functions. SMORS has helped ENYO to be more agile, drive the productivity of employees, and drawn a line under financial record integrity issues. Manual processing and reconciliation of daily operations reports are now a thing of the past. SMORS also automated ENYO’s supply chain process by digitizing products purchase requisitions, product pick-up tickets, and charges/levies for haulage rates, union dues, and subsidy claims. It thus automated ENYO’s regulatory obligations on charges, tariffs, and claims.


As its technology backbone, SMORS integrated Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations with ENYO’s Station Management Software (E360), using REST APIs to ingest relevant fuel calibration data for reconciling daily sales of various petroleum products, across all retail outlets.  In addition to Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations core capabilities, we leveraged Microsoft Office 365 to augment the solution with modern productivity, collaboration, and mobility capabilities. Microsoft PowerBI was also incorporated to surface rich and actionable insights, using dashboards and reports to provide executive-level visibility into operational metrics that make for quick feedback and decision making.


The Result


Within 6months after Go-live, SMORS and its supply chain add-ons enabled ENYO to eliminate income pilferage. ENYO also recorded over 100% growth in retail outlet expansion (from 32 to 65 stations), with spare capacity to expand up to 100 retail outlets. Also, more Dealer-Own-Dealer Operation (DODO) Stations came on board, supported by the effectiveness of control that Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations enabled for the company. As a result, monthly Sales turnover increased by over 400% from $3million to over $12million. Customer acquisition also grew by over 100%, meeting the core business imperative.


According to Enyo’s CEO, “this solution is the first of its kind in our market and across the sub-Sahara African region. We are now able to effectively onboard and manage Oil and Gas sector downstream segment retail outlets (gas stations) seamlessly and rapidly, leveraging the new cloud-based solution that Wragby has developed“.


With the success of SMORS , the solution has significantly transformed ENYO Retail & Supply’s operations. By automating processes, enhancing financial integrity, and providing real-time insights, ENYO has seen substantial growth in retail expansion and sales turnover. This success story highlights the power of innovative technology in driving business efficiency and growth in the energy sector.


ENYO Retail & Supply